The BestOf Both

The Best Of Both

October 28, 2014

Hello friends!

It’s been WAY too long since we updated this blog. This year has been filled with so many surprises. Romel and I got engaged, Romel moved to San Francisco, I moved to Toronto, and now, we’re getting married in 2 months … How did we get here?

Romel and I really wanted to start blogging again. We thought we would start off our first post with un update on where we are and how we’re doing after having moved away from our beloved home of Vancouver!

Late August, I moved to Toronto to do my Masters at the University of Toronto. It’s my first time in Toronto and my first time in another province in Canada! I haven’t been able to explore too much besides the 15 minute walk to and from home and school (and the insides of numerous grocery stores), but from the little I have seen so far, I am growing to love what Toronto has to offer!

Romel came to visit a couple of weeks ago and hence, the amazing photos that I would not have been able to take myself. We did a lot more sight-seeing in that week than I’ve done in my two months here!

Some of my favourite spots that we visited were: the Kensington Market and the St. Lawrence Market… If you haven’t guessed it yet, I love markets!

In regards to my program, I’m really enjoying it – moreso, than I ever did with Biochemistry. What was I thinking back then! I never thought I would ever leave Vancouver, yet here I am. It definitely took a lot out of me to come all the way here. Although I find it hard being away from home, Romel, my family, and friends, I feel that it has been a good opportunity for me to grow individually.

More updates soon!


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